
Hi I’m Johan Van Steenbrugghe

Software Developer Student of life


From the very beginning I was facinated with computers. Spending days learning how to install an operating system or creating a small command-line program has always been natural to me, which made it an easy decision to pursue a career in IT

Studying really made it clear to me that I enjoy writing software. I especially like solving programming puzzles, whether it’s about figuring out the best architectural design or uncovering a bug that’s deeply rooted into the program.

Having the competence and continuous desire to learn are essential tools in becoming a sought after talent and more importantly a well-rounded individual, that’s why I always have an immense desire to extend my scope of knowledge, abilities, improve on my habits, etc…
Software Development
Software Development
Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development
Database Management
Database Management

“Nothing ever becomes real ‘til it is experienced.”
- John Keats



  • Full-Stack Developer

    2017.09-NOW Datacan
  • Interim

    2010.11-2017.08 Various
  • Blue-collar worker

    2010.04-2010.10 Plantencentrum De Witte-Provijn
  • Administrative assistant

    2009.07-2009.07 Bibliotheek Eeklo (vacation job)
  • Administrative assistant

    2008.10-2009.06 DSM Keukens (internship)
  • Administrative assistant

    2008.02-2008.06 Vrije Basisschool Zeveren-Vinkt (internship)
  • Administrative assistant

    2007.10-2008.01 Stadhuis Deinze (internship)


  • Programming, HBO 5

    2016.09-2018.06 Hogeschool Gent
  • Networking, HBO 5

    2010.09-2015.06 Hogeschool Gent
  • Library and information management

    2009.09-2010.01 VSPW Gent
  • Office administration and data management, 5-6-7

    2006.09-2009.06 SVVHI Deinze
  • TSO Information technologies, 4

    2005.09-2006.06 SVVHI Deinze
  • TSO Calculus, 1-2-3

    2002.09-2005.06 SVVHI Deinze

“They are able who think they are able.”
- Virgil



ASP.NET 100%
Model-View-Controller 100%
Git 95%
Entity-Framework 100%
MySQL 100%
SQLLite 90%
Realm 65%
Android 50%
Telerik 95%
Crystal Reports 80%


Dutch 100%
English 100%
French 20%
C# 100%
VB.NET 100%
C++ 25%
Java 40%
Python 20%
Javascript 85%
Typescript 25%
HTML 85%
CSS 75%
SQL 100%

“A room without books is like a body without a soul.”
- Cicero


Non-Fiction Books

  • Jostein Gaarder​
    • Sophie's World
  • Simon Blackburn​
    • Think: A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy
  • Plato​​​​​​​​
    • Euthyphro
    • Apology
    • Crito
    • Phaedo
    • Parmenides
    • Republic
    • Sisyphus
  • Aristotle​​
    • Metaphysics​
    • On the Soul
    • Nicomachean Ethics
    • Politics
  • Marcus Aurelius​​
    • Meditations​​
  • Niccolò Machiavelli
    • The Prince​
  • René Descartes
    • Discourse on Method​
    • Meditations on First Philosophy
  • Thomas Hobbes​
    • Leviathan​
  • Baruch Spinoza​​​​
    • Ethics​
    • Tractatus Theologico-Politicus
  • John Locke​​
    • Two Treatises of Government​
    • An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • David Hume​
    • A Treatise of Human Nature​
    • An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
    • An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals​
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau​
    • Discourse on the Arts and Sciences​
    • Emile: or, On Education​
    • The Social Contract
  • Immanuel Kant​​
    • Critique of Pure Reason​
    • Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals
    • Critique of Practical Reason
    • Critique of Judgement​
  • Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel​​
    • Phenomenology of Spirit​
    • Science of Logic
    • The Philosophy of Right​
    • The Philosophy of History
  • Arthur Schopenhauer​
    • The World as Will and Representation​
  • Søren Kierkegaard
    • Either/Or​
    • Fear and Trembling
    • The Concept of Anxiety
  • Karl Marx​
    • The Communist Manifesto​
    • Das Kapital
  • Friedrich Nietzsche​
    • Thus Spoke Zarathustra​
    • Beyond Good and Evil
    • On the Genealogy of Morals​
    • The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche
  • Jean-Paul Sartre​​​
    • Being and Nothingness​
    • Critique of Dialectical Reason
  • Thomas Nagel​
    • What Is it Like to Be a Bat?​
  • Erwin Schrödinger​
    • What is Life? The Physical Aspect of the Living Cell​
  • Daniel C. Dennett
    • Darwin's Dangerous Idea​
    • ​Consciousness Explained​
  • David Chalmers​
    • The Conscious Mind​
    • The Character of Consciousness​
  • Bertrand Russell​​
    • The History Of Western Philosophy​
  • B. R. Hergenhahn
    • An Introduction to the History of Psychology
  • David Myers​
    • Psychology 11e​
  • Sigmund Freud​
    • The Interpretation of Dreams​
  • Carl Jung​
    • Modern Man in Search of a Soul​
    • A Way of Being
  • Carl Rogers​
    • A Way of Being​
    • On Becoming a Person
  • Jean Piaget
    • Play, Dreams and Imitation in Childhood​
    • The Moral Judgment of the Child​
  • Erich Neumann
    • The Origins and History of Consciousness
    • The Great Mother
  • Henri Ellenberger​
    • The Discovery of the Unconscious​
  • Ernest Becker
    • The Denial of Death​
  • May, R., Angel, E., & Ellenberger, H
    • Existence: A new dimension in psychiatry and psychology​
  • Jeffrey Gray and Neil McNaughton​
    • The Neuropsychology of Anxiety​
  • Jaak Panksepp​​
    • Affective Neuroscience​
  • Joseph LeDoux​​
    • The Emotional Brain​
  • Larry Swanson​
    • Brain Architecture: Understanding the Basic Plan​
  • JJ Gibson​
    • An Ecological Approach to Visual Perception​
  • Elkhonon Goldberg​
    • The New Executive Brain​
Other Non-Fiction
  • Yuval Noah Harari
    • ​Sapiens - A Brief History of Humankind​
    • Homo Deus - A Brief History of Tomorrow
  • Mortimer Adler​​
    • How To Read A Book
  • Kondo Marie
    • The Life-Changing Magic of Tidy​
  • Steven Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner
    • Freakonomics​
    • SuperFreakonomics​
  • Derek Solla Price​
    • Little Science, Big Science​​
  • Hans Eyench​​
    • Genius
  • Hernando De Soto​
    • The Mystery of Capital​
  • John Gall​​
    • Systemantics
  • Theodore Dalrymple​
    • Life at the Bottom
  • Viktor Frankl
    • Man's Search for Meaning
  • Christopher Browning
    • Ordinary Men
  • Iris Chang
    • The Rape of Nanking
  • Steven Pressfield​
    • The War of Art

Fiction Books

  • Fyodor Dostoyevsky
    • Crime and Punishment
    • Notes from Underground
    • The Brothers Karamazov
    • The Idiot
    • The Devils
    • The Gambler
  • Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
    • The Gulag Archipelago
    • The First Circle
    • Cancer Ward
    • One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch
  • Leo Tolstoy
    • Confessions
    • The Kingdom of God is Within You
  • Northrop Frye
    • The Great Code
    • Words with Power
  • Nikos Kazantzakis
    • The Fratricides
    • Zorba the Greek
  • Eiji Yoshikawa
    • Musashi
  • Aldous Huxley
    • Brave New World
  • Jerzy Kosinski
    • The Painted Bird
  • Mikhail Bulgakov
    • The Master and Margarita
  • Robert Pirsig
    • Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
  • Hermann Hesse
    • Siddhartha

“People are too complicated to have simple labels.”
- Philip Pullman
